happy cats
have had a few questions about lead in pet vitamin supplements.
Here are the facts:
ConsumerLab.com, a consumer advocate, recently published an article on Multivitamin andMultimineral Supplements. Pet-Tabs®, a common pet vitamin, were reported to contain1.4 micrograms of lead per tablet.
What was the level of contamination and what does this mean?
Pet-Tabs® were found to contain 1.4micrograms of lead per tablet. This is a very smalldose of lead - many municipal water supplies have higher lead concentrations. Human bonehas approximately 15 micrograms of lead per gram of bone. In the same study, a humanvitamin supplement (The Vitamin Shoppe Multivitamins Especially for Women) was found tocontain 15.3 micrograms of lead per daily dose. This amount of lead (15.3 micrograms) ismore than 10 times the amount permitted without a warning in California, the only statethat regulates lead in supplements. On average, most American adults are exposed to about3 micrograms of lead daily through food, wine and other sources, and while 15.3micrograms of lead per day may not be immediately toxic, the mineral is stored in thebody and could build up to dangerous levels with time.
Thus, it appears that the Pet-Tabs dose is near California’s reportable limit, but is lessthan the amount of lead consumed daily by humans through other sources.
Of additional consideration, not addressed in the report, is the form of the lead salt.Some (e.g. lead sulfate) are insoluble and therefore inert. Others, such as acetate andoxide forms, are soluble and of more concern. Thus, the exposure risk is not completelyunderstood at this time.
How much lead is too much?
Federal standards initially limited the amount of lead in water to 50 parts per billion(ppb). In light of new health and exposure data, EPA has set an action level of 15 ppb.If tests show that the level of lead in your household water is in the area of 15 ppb orhigher, it is advisable - especially if there are young children in the home - to reducethe lead level in your tap water as much as possible. (EPA estimates that more than 40million U.S. residents use water that can contain lead in excess of 15 ppb.) Note: Oneppb is equal to 1.0 microgram per liter (µg/1) or 0.001 milligram per liter (mg/1).More information is available at the EPA website.
The FDA considers that ANY lead exposure poses some risk. Based on CDC’s levels, FDA’s“tolerable” daily diet lead intakes are 6 mcg for children under age 6, 25 mcg forpregnant women, and 75 mcg for other adults. However, some risk exists with any levelof lead exposure. Tolerable doses for dogs have not been established.
How has the manufacturer responded?
Below is the company response to the ConsumerLabs.com findings:
“Virbac, a company dedicated exclusively to animal health, is committed to developing,manufacturing, and distributing safe and effective products for pets. Virbac is aware ofthe recent report asserting that one lot of Pet-Tabs® contained 1.4 micrograms of leadper tablet. This information has not been verified by Virbac or Pfizer Animal Health,the company that manufactures Pet-Tabs.
Virbac is actively investigating the circumstances surrounding this report. As a part ofthis investigation, Virbac has received the following initial response from Pfizer.
Pet Tabs®, like all Pfizer Animal Health products, are manufactured to the rigorousspecifications of the industry’s governing bodies, including the United StatesPharmacopoeia (USP) and in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices.
A single test on one lot by ConsumerLabs.com revealed a minute amount of lead in our PetTabs product (1.4 micrograms per tablet). According to the USP, which determines thestandards for medicines, raw materials and nutritional supplements, the level detectedwas 20 times below acceptable and safe levels.
In addition, the level reported is more than 2,800 times below the chronic toxicity leveldetermined safe for dogs, as published in Clinical Veterinary Toxicology(Konnie B. Plumlee, 2004, Mosby).
Pfizer Animal Health is confident that Pet Tabs are safe and effective for all dogs andare in full compliance with all established regulatory criteria.
In the interest of maintaining the highest quality products and customer satisfaction,Virbac maintains a department dedicated to monitoring inquiries and reports related toits products. A review of the data shows there have been no reports to Virbac regardinglead poisoning from the use of Pet-Tabs in dogs.
Therefore, it is unlikely that Pet-Tabs have produced any adverse effects due to lead.Virbac believes that your veterinarian is best able and equipped to assess your pet’shealth.
Please visit our Happy Cats website before you go
Here are the facts:
ConsumerLab.com, a consumer advocate, recently published an article on Multivitamin andMultimineral Supplements. Pet-Tabs®, a common pet vitamin, were reported to contain1.4 micrograms of lead per tablet.
What was the level of contamination and what does this mean?
Pet-Tabs® were found to contain 1.4micrograms of lead per tablet. This is a very smalldose of lead - many municipal water supplies have higher lead concentrations. Human bonehas approximately 15 micrograms of lead per gram of bone. In the same study, a humanvitamin supplement (The Vitamin Shoppe Multivitamins Especially for Women) was found tocontain 15.3 micrograms of lead per daily dose. This amount of lead (15.3 micrograms) ismore than 10 times the amount permitted without a warning in California, the only statethat regulates lead in supplements. On average, most American adults are exposed to about3 micrograms of lead daily through food, wine and other sources, and while 15.3micrograms of lead per day may not be immediately toxic, the mineral is stored in thebody and could build up to dangerous levels with time.
Thus, it appears that the Pet-Tabs dose is near California’s reportable limit, but is lessthan the amount of lead consumed daily by humans through other sources.
Of additional consideration, not addressed in the report, is the form of the lead salt.Some (e.g. lead sulfate) are insoluble and therefore inert. Others, such as acetate andoxide forms, are soluble and of more concern. Thus, the exposure risk is not completelyunderstood at this time.
How much lead is too much?
Federal standards initially limited the amount of lead in water to 50 parts per billion(ppb). In light of new health and exposure data, EPA has set an action level of 15 ppb.If tests show that the level of lead in your household water is in the area of 15 ppb orhigher, it is advisable - especially if there are young children in the home - to reducethe lead level in your tap water as much as possible. (EPA estimates that more than 40million U.S. residents use water that can contain lead in excess of 15 ppb.) Note: Oneppb is equal to 1.0 microgram per liter (µg/1) or 0.001 milligram per liter (mg/1).More information is available at the EPA website.
The FDA considers that ANY lead exposure poses some risk. Based on CDC’s levels, FDA’s“tolerable” daily diet lead intakes are 6 mcg for children under age 6, 25 mcg forpregnant women, and 75 mcg for other adults. However, some risk exists with any levelof lead exposure. Tolerable doses for dogs have not been established.
How has the manufacturer responded?
Below is the company response to the ConsumerLabs.com findings:
“Virbac, a company dedicated exclusively to animal health, is committed to developing,manufacturing, and distributing safe and effective products for pets. Virbac is aware ofthe recent report asserting that one lot of Pet-Tabs® contained 1.4 micrograms of leadper tablet. This information has not been verified by Virbac or Pfizer Animal Health,the company that manufactures Pet-Tabs.
Virbac is actively investigating the circumstances surrounding this report. As a part ofthis investigation, Virbac has received the following initial response from Pfizer.
Pet Tabs®, like all Pfizer Animal Health products, are manufactured to the rigorousspecifications of the industry’s governing bodies, including the United StatesPharmacopoeia (USP) and in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices.
A single test on one lot by ConsumerLabs.com revealed a minute amount of lead in our PetTabs product (1.4 micrograms per tablet). According to the USP, which determines thestandards for medicines, raw materials and nutritional supplements, the level detectedwas 20 times below acceptable and safe levels.
In addition, the level reported is more than 2,800 times below the chronic toxicity leveldetermined safe for dogs, as published in Clinical Veterinary Toxicology(Konnie B. Plumlee, 2004, Mosby).
Pfizer Animal Health is confident that Pet Tabs are safe and effective for all dogs andare in full compliance with all established regulatory criteria.
In the interest of maintaining the highest quality products and customer satisfaction,Virbac maintains a department dedicated to monitoring inquiries and reports related toits products. A review of the data shows there have been no reports to Virbac regardinglead poisoning from the use of Pet-Tabs in dogs.
Therefore, it is unlikely that Pet-Tabs have produced any adverse effects due to lead.Virbac believes that your veterinarian is best able and equipped to assess your pet’shealth.
Please visit our Happy Cats website before you go